33. 3 Pottery Tool Swaps for More Eco-friendly Pottery

Oxford Clay Podcast

Episode 33: 3 Pottery Tool Swaps for More Eco-friendly Pottery

There are many things Potters can do to switch their tools from less eco-friendly to more environmentally friendly ones. In this episode, we explore some easy swaps Potters can make, from paint brushes, and eliminating chamois leather from their practice to the ever-useful sponge.

Katherine Tomlinson

A Potter for over 25 years, Katherine is passionate about eco-conscious pottery materials and practices. She has created books and courses to help other Potters find the information they need. Listen to the Oxford Clay podcast for more pottery tips. You can contact Katherine here.


34. A Potter’s Secret Weapon: Baking Equipment!


32. Packaging Pottery Plastic-Free